Our Story

The House of Woo began in Los Angeles by wife and husband team Staci Woo & Mike Badt in 1997. From the beginning, the dream was to produce locally, with intention and to create something you’ll love forever, it’s what we call ‘Future Vintage’.
Our Arts District Design Workshop & Studio has been our headquarters for the past 14 years. Home of our Made in LA brands: Woo (est. 96), LittleWoo, The Uplifters, and Sand & Sea Club. We create our boutique quality products with intention, produce locally and resourcefully while staying true to our California roots. With the ever changing climate of the Downtown Los Angeles neighborhood, we aim to keep the arts in the district.

Since our beginnings in 1997, we have been repurposing vintage kimonos, Hawaiian shirts, vintage denim and cashmere sweaters for our WooBags. Each piece was hand cut and sewn one by one to give each a second life. As our business grew, we transitioned into the traditional cut and sew method of production but our mission to design intentionally and produce resourcefully has remained.
We believe that every point in production, from the fabric each piece is made with to the packaging your order is shipped in, can make an impact. We take great pride in ensuring all of our items produced are of the highest quality and transparency.